Ko blackjack book excerpts

You love blackjack and know what to do in every hand, but now you want more. The book knockout blackjack by olaf vancura and ken fuchs introduces the ko. Below you will find some very interesting books found on amazon that deal with card counting, blackjack games, betting systems etc the best of anything and everything blackjack. To get the tc true count just perform this equation after each dealt hand. Smashwords the color of blackjack a book by daniel dravot. For, as bryce carlson says in blackjack for blood 1 here was a book, written by a. Card counter lite is an exciting game based on real blackjack card counting techniques. The color of blackjack by daniel dravot nook book ebook. The blackjack life by nathaniel tilton nook book ebook. Recently, i was at the unlv campus visiting the gaming research center that is on the third floor of the lied library. My recommendation for a second book on this subject would be, without question, griffins theory of blackjack.

The ko card counting system, also known as the knockout card count, is a system where if you counted down an entire deck of cards, you will not end up with a count of 0. This book is an enticing and simplified methodology that squeezes every last drop from the ko count. Thorps book eventually created a sensation, riding a wave of popularity to the new york times bestseller list. For, as bryce carlson says in blackjack for blood 1 here was a book, written by a respected mathematician from a prominent university, that contained the secret formula for making free money or so some thought. Knockout ko method of card counting blackjack online.

Blackjack for winners order page blackjack for winners is the only blackjack book you will ever need if you are serious about playing blackjack. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. Moe shuckelman is also the author of the books, the blackjack joke book and casino gambling for winners subtitled losers are not allowed to read this book. Our poker book kill everyone is probably the most profitable, given the number of copies sold at a nice high price, while knockout blackjack is our most enduring gambling book, as sales continue to be.

The book knockout blackjack by olaf vancura and ken fuchs introduces the ko count. In this system the seven is considered a low card and thus a plus value unlike the hi low system where it is a neutral card. The goal of this book is to give you the tools needed to play an intelligent game of blackjack. It is a unbalanced counting system in which no running count to true count conversion is required. The unbalanced level one knockout ko count system is both very simple and very powerful.

If there is no row for splitting fives and tens, then look up your hand as a hard total 10 or 20. Our book is an essential part of becoming a better blackjack player. Nathaniel tilton is a personalwealth advisor, philanthropist, advantage player, and blackjack consultant. In the knockout card counting ko count system, as explained in the book knock out blackjack, all card values are the same as in the hi low system, except for the value of the 7. Theres a spirited pitch to get you to buy the book. There are several good introductions to blackjack card counting on the market. This book will cover basic blackjack strategy, an intro to card counting and finally itll walk you through the ko system and betting strategies. Algebraic approximation of optimum blackjack strategy for. Developed by ken fuchs and olaf vancura in 1998, the ko method of counting cards is perhaps the best known unbalanced card system, which means the count. The methodology of the ko card counting system is explained in the book knockout blackjack. The revolutionary knockout cardcounting system eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. I was asked by a friend a few weeks ago to take a look at his new book the color of blackjack archive copy. Ko card counting blackjack system learn the basics of ko. This book covers the 45m79c and aa89mtc used with the ko count in analyzing the s17 dealer stands on soft 17 blackjack game.

This revolutionary blackjack card counting system eliminates complicated calculations and condenses it to a single chart to visualize. The belief that the hi lo involved too much counting and took the fun out of the game is what led fuchs and vancura to write this book. Blackjack count master training ebook deepnet tech. The ko system is a level one unbalanced count which means that if you count down a complete deck of cards, you wont end up with 0 thats very similar to the familiar hilo system except that sevens are counted as 1. Included is an analysis of the lucky ladies and the super 4 side bets. Knockout blackjack third edition the revolutionary new knockout cardcounting system eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. Dont let the scantily, costumed cocktail waitress, a glaring pit boss or the babbling drunk seated beside you, disturb your concentration.

The rules and terminology of blackjack, how to play blackjack in a casino, the best play for every hand, the principles of card counting, and the requirements for successful gambling. The next chapter contains the new contributions of the book, the knockout card counting system. A list of 21 books every blackjack player should read. Omega ii an advanced, level 2, balanced strategy with a large number of indexes similar to canfield master. Knockout blackjack by olaf vancura and ken fuchs this books covers basic strategy and an intro to card counting, and the rest of the book focuses on the knockout card counting system. Blackjack strategy charts how to play perfect blackjack. Knock out blackjack was published in 1998 and written by ken fuchs and olaf vancura. My method of comparing systems is to apply the blackjack formula, inserting the various systems playing efficiencies and betting correlations. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. The ko or knockout system was developed to be both simple and effective. In his bibliography for theory of blackjack, peter griffin states that if he were to recommend one book, and one book only, on the subject, it would be the 1966 edition of thorps beat the dealer. If you cant split because of a limit on resplitting, then look up your hand as a hard total.

Knockout blackjack now in its third edition is a cardcounting system that eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. The am8c, 6m2c, 67m23c are compared as a thirdside count to the ko. The color of blackjack improvements to ko blackjack. What is the most successful title huntington press has. However, i received permission from huntington press, publishers of the book knockout blackjack by olaf vancura, ph. This variation in bet size is known as the betting spread. Blackjack count master is the only blackjack book available that focuses on learning how to count cards using the best and easiesttouse software available still not convinced. It is a unbalanced counting system in which no running count to. Raised in kennebunkport, maine, he attended the university of new hampshire. I respect the system and know many legitimate counters use it. Recommended gambling books and software blackjack forum. It is actually based on an earlier british system but was adapted by olaf vancura and ken fuchs in their book knockout blackjack. Knockout strategy ko blackjack card counting software. Las vegas, atlantic city, mississippi, riverboat casinos, native american casinos, the bahamas, and on cruise ships.

This count was a revolutionary new way to count cards. The scientifically devised unbalanced ko count can be used profitably anywhere blackjack. Blackjack card counting the ultimate blackjack strategy. Therefore, we created a blackjack cheat sheet pdf with the basic strategy chart for singledeck blackjack.

Described in olaf vancura and ken fuchs book knockout blackjack, isochoric publishing, 1996. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the color of blackjack. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books. We get emails from people all the time talking about how they downloaded our blackjack charts, took them to a casino, and won some money. The scientifically devised unbalanced ko count can be used profitably anywhere blackjack is played. The scientifically devised knockout count can be used profitably anywhere blackjack.

Most newcomers to card counting for blackjack crave an easy to learn method. The color of blackjack kindle edition by dravot, daniel. Gambling books and software recommended by professional gamblers by blackjack forum contributing editors updated august 31, 2012 getrichquick books follow a pattern. There are also some unique strategy modifications which make the ko. Blackjack card counting system thecolorofblackjack. The knockout cardcounting system eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. In the knockout card counting ko count system, as explained in the book knock out blackjack, all card values are the same as in the hi low system, except for the value. Card counter will teach you everything you need to know about card counting without having to enroll at mit.

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